Dirty Filter
There are two issues with a dirty filter. First, we clean the filter with a spay nozzle attached to a garden hose to remove oils and dirt out of the hot tub. This should be a quick and easy process without the use of powerful chemicals. Secondly, the filter is made of paper fibers which in use begin to swell and reduce the efficiently of the filter after about one year, therefore at Hot Tubs Albuquerque we recommend that you clean your filter regularly in order to keep your water clear and replace your filter annually to protect your pumps.
Water in the Albuquerque area has a tendency to be fairly high in hardness and Alkalinity. As the alkalinity goes up it tends to push (precipitate) calcium and magnesium (hardness) out of the water and settle it on surfaces. The filter can be greatly affected and even become completely clogged with this buildup. One sign of high alkalinity is a sandy grit on the shell below the water line.